Soil monitoring is becoming increasingly important in the agriculture industry. Farmers who work with us know how crucial it can be to have accurate monitoring systems to help them make decisions, and we know these decisions are based largely on soil type. In this clip, watch as Farooq explains the difference in soil types and how GroGuru can help you monitor your soil.:
Patrick: Is there a big difference between a vineyard growing grapes to make wine and a corn or soybean farmer?
Farooq: Yes, there is. It will determine how much water that crop needs. It calculates how much water you have to apply. It depends on several factors. For example, there is something called soil type. There are certain soil types that hold water. There are other soil types that just let the water go through. You need to irrigate more frequently if you have sandy soil that lets the water go through. On the other hand, clay soil holds water, so you don’t have to water as often. How much water does a plant need? It depends on the stage of growth of the plant.
Patrick: It’s dynamic, it’s not static.
Farooq: Exactly. There are also environment factors, like high temperature days, wind and humidity. We take all of those things into consideration to tell the farmer, “Your field is off five millimeters of water. Based on the factors, you will lose seven millimeters of waters.” This means that he has to irrigate much sooner than one week.
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